Friday, July 2, 2010

I believe in:

2nd Amendment Rights

States' Rights

  • Wyoming Manages the Wolf Issue
  • Wyoming Says "No" to Obama Care

Small Government

  • No New Taxes
  • Fiscally Responsible
  • Reject Stimulus Funds (The borrower becomes slave to the lender.)

Protecting the Family

  • Right to Life (Protecting the life of the unborn.)
  • Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman
  • Educating Our Children (We decide; Not Washington)

Monday, June 28, 2010

My grandchild in the womb.

Here is my grandchild at twenty weeks in the womb. Who would say this child is not human? Who would say we cannot know if this is human? It is time for a return to common sense.

Family & Background

Gerry Parker was raised on a small farm near Dickson, TN. He is one of 6 sons. He learned the value of hard-work, honesty, dependability, and family from his parents.
He and his wife, Elizabeth, have been married since 1980. They have six children (four daughters, two sons), three sons-in-law, one daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren.
Gerry has a B.A. in Religious Education with a minor in History from Lipscomb University. He has done graduate work at Harding Graduate School of Religion, Denver Seminary and the University of Northern Colorado. He has been preaching and teaching since 1980. He preaches for the Powell Church of Christ at present.
Gerry and his family moved to Wyoming in 2002. They have been active in their community through 4-H, the Powell Ministerial Association, Habitat for Humanity, and the Powell Church of Christ. In the past he and his wife have served on the Board of A Woman's Place, a crisis pregnancy center, in Columbia, TN as well as helping to build homes for Habitat for Humanity there.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010